“Would you like to protect your purchase with an extended vehicle warranty today? 这只是……”
任何买过大宗商品的人, 像电脑一样, 一个电视, 一个设备, 或者一辆车听到过这个问题. 许多消费者拒绝了这一提议. 但是这些人犯了一个错误吗? Do you really need an extended vehicle warranty, and is it worth the money? Here is what you need to know and some questions to ask yourself before making the decision.
延长保修, 或机械故障保护, is a service contract that covers the cost of repairs after the vehicle’s manufacturer warranty expires. For the sake of comparison, it is like an insurance 政策 on your vehicle.
Dealerships, insurance companies, credit unions, auto club and other third-parties. 和其他事情一样,货比三家. It is important to understand what the extended warranty covers and where you can take your car for repairs. Here at Arbor Financial our mechanical breakdown protection is also transferable if you sell your car and comes with roadside assistance. 除了, our Nationwide coverage allows you to choose where you want to take your car for repairs. In 2022 alone, our coverage saved members a total of $191,101 in repairs. 
在投保前充分了解保单的免赔额. 在Arbor金融公司,我们有 零免赔额 政策, whereas many policies require deductibles that could cost you several hundred dollars out of pocket before the warranty starts paying for replacement or repair.
What is the reliability history of your particular make and model of car?
让我们面对现实吧,不是所有的车都是一样的. There’s plenty of outlets online that track customer complaints, and it would be worthwhile for you to investigate them as well if you’re considering buying a car. Understanding the history of your car can help aid you in deciding if an extended warranty is right for you.
By purchasing a warranty you protect yourself against unexpected repair expenses. In 2022, 我们最高索赔超过8美元,000 and the member paid nothing for the cost of the repair due to having the warranty. This protected the member from a large unexpected cost and helped protect their budget. Remember, even the most reliable vehicle can develop a mechanical problem.



  1. 担保贷款选项 -为低至5美元的保修期提供资金.99%的年利率,最长三年2.
  2. 为你的汽车贷款再融资 - You can include the warranty into your auto loan for a low monthly payment. 
  3. 现金 -您可以选择全额支付保修费用.

Arbor Financial提供延长车辆保修 供成员选择的选项. “我们的贷款利率很有竞争力, and members can apply for a loan right over the phone for quick loan approval and disbursement" says Arbor Financial's Vice President of Loan 服务. All of Arbor's mechanical breakdown protection options come with these great benefits: $0 deductible, 全国覆盖, 可转让的计划, 全损退款1, 24/7紧急路边援助(拖车), 锁定服务, 电池跳, 轮胎漏气辅助, 和燃料输送). 了解更多关于保险范围的信息. 

Even if you have paid off your car or have your auto loan through another institution you can still add Arbor's Mechanical breakdown protection to your vehicle for added peace of mind. 

1. 必须购买全损退款选项吗.
